Traditional Burial
The Beauty of Nature

Time-honored Memorialization
Along our meandering tree-lined roadways Glen Eden offers many settings for individual and family lots. Lots are available at Glen Eden West and Glen Eden East where centuries-old oak trees, willows, and crab apple trees, interspersed with man-made beauty, follow the 19th-century philosophy that by reflecting closeness to nature, we realize a greater closeness to God. We also have a large reserve of undeveloped property.
Each memorial garden is dedicated to one enduring theme. Loved ones find comfort in selecting a gravesite to match the memories of a life well lived to a theme of faith and its ministry that shaped that life. In addition to its beautiful natural setting, each garden of memories features an artistic focal point as a solace in tribute to the blessedness of the life remembered.
Traditional burial options we offer:
Garden of Devotion
In the new Garden of Devotion at Glen Eden West, nestled in a wooded area near the creek, we now offer granite, upright family monuments. You can select two spaces or four spaces and secure with your spaces the privilege to inscribe a beautiful monument.
The monuments are pre-installed on specific lots. There is a selection of six different designs in six different beautiful and enduring granites. The monuments can be secured in two different sizes depending upon the number of spaces in your lot.
Private Family Estates
Located across the Memorial Plaza from the distinctive St. Gabriel Mausoleum 8-grave and 4-grave Family Estates is a burial option specifically designed for families to stay together.
The Family Estate areas are bounded by attractive four-foot high brick walls. Glen Eden provides each area with small bushes and flowers, and the family may further personalize their estate with plantings and flowers, an optional granite bench, and other tributes.
Veterans Memorial
Glen Eden is proud to offer a specially themed resting place — The Garden of Valor — for Veterans and their spouses.
The U.S. Government provides a 24” x 12” bronze grave marker free to each veteran. It includes name, dates of birth and death, rank and service, and the military cross. However, Glen Eden also offers optional upgrades that include granite bases as well as larger companion markers with military symbolism and bronze flower vases.
Veterans Cenotaphs
In the Memorial Plaza adjacent to the Chapel Mausoleum stands a majestic elevated flagpole, surrounded by our Cenotaph Memorial, featuring a solid bronze bas-relief sculpture depicting those who have served our country.
Wherever your loved one’s remains are located – at Glen Eden or anyplace else — you can add his or her name and date of birth and death, to stand with the names of fellow veterans, on an 8” x 2” cast bronze plaque. Cenotaphs are an additional way to honor his or her contribution, and provide family and friends with a dedicated and special place to visit.
Frequently asked questions regarding traditional burial
Is there a time limit after a death for a person to be buried?
States have different laws; some limit the maximum time before final disposition. Things that must be considered: securing official permits and authorizations, notifying friends and family, preparation of the burial site and religious requirements. Your funeral director will be well-versed on the regulations.
Is embalming required?
No. Embalming is a matter of choice, not required. Your decision will be influenced by several factors: 1. length of time between death and burial; 2. to enhance the deceased’s appearance in an open casket for public viewing or private viewing by family members; 3. transportation of the body by plane or train.
What are 'opening and closing' fees?
Fees for “Opening and Closing” cover the cost of many separate services performed by cemetery personnel. They include administering and permanent record keeping — we determine ownership, obtain permission and complete all other necessary documents, enter the interment details in the interment register, and maintain all legal files. The fees also include actually opening and closing the grave — we locate and lay out the boundaries of the grave, excavate and fill the space. We also place and remove artificial grass and cocoa-matting at the grave site, level, tamp, re-grade and seed the grave site, and level and re-seed it if the earth settles.
What is a burial vault?
All burial vaults are made of concrete. If it has an inner liner, they are made of stainless steel, galvanized steel, copper, bronze, plastic or fiberglass. Glen Eden requires the use of a burial vault.
Can I make necessary arrangements in advance?
Yes. You can make all arrangements in advance. Planning ahead lets you consider the options you prefer. As an informed consumer, you can make the decisions about your funeral, your cemetery arrangements and the kind of memorial you want. They will be meaningful decisions that will give you peace of mind, knowing that you have relieved your loved ones of the emotional and financial burden of having to make decisions at a time of mourning. It’s also a wise economic choice, because you purchase at today’s prices, free from future inflationary pressures.
When I purchase a grave, do I own the property?
This is sometimes a misunderstood issue. What you are really purchasing the right to be buried in that space, not the real estate itself – that remains the property and responsibility of the cemetery.
What is Endowment Care?
Endowment care income — a portion of the purchase price contributed to a special fund for on-going care — provides for regular care and maintenance of the cemetery, which can include mowing, regrading, planting and maintaining trees, water supply system maintenance, roads and more.
How can I transfer property ownership?
Please contact the office to schedule an appointment to receive the necessary information and details from the office supervisor.
Our Cemeteries
Glen Eden Memorial Parks offers three locations serving southeast Michigan

Glen Eden Memorial West

Glen Eden Memorial East

Glen Eden Memorial St. Clair
About Us | Glen Eden West | Glen Eden East | Glen Eden St. Clair | Eden Choice | Pricing | Events | Careers | Contact Us
Cemetery Hours
Monday - Saturday | 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Sundays and Holidays | 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Office Hours
Monday - Friday | 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Saturday 9:00 - 3:00 PM
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