Simplified Dignity

Personalized Memorialization
Cremation has been growing in popularity for many decades in the U.S., and in fact, nearly 50% of those creating final arrangements choose cremation. There are many reasons for this growth, including the simplicity, dignity and affordability of cremation, and it’s acceptance by most major religions. But also, people choose cremation because they want a simpler, more convenient ceremony; they prefer their remains left above ground, or they’re concerned about the environment.
Glen Eden offers a wide range of plans for the inurnment of cremated remains with considerable freedom for personalization in traditional in-ground, mausoleum or outdoor niche settings.
Cremation memorialization options we offer:
Cremation Burial
Individual, Family Estate, and Shared Monument lots are found in more than a dozen gardens distinguished by specific themes – such as Valor, Serenity, Reformation, Devotion – that reflect life and individual character. Our beautiful gardens offer families special memorialization options.
Above Ground Memorialization
Indoor memorialization is ideal for year-round visitation by loved ones, regardless of the weather. Once exclusively for the wealthy, today the advantages of above-ground burial are well within the reach of families of all Christian faiths. Mausoleum burial eliminates the need for lots, vaults and monuments.
Outdoor Niches
Beautiful natural surrounds, ivy, fountain gardens and trees form a focal point for loved ones to gather and celebrate life. We have many beautiful and special locations that offer ideal choices to honor and remember loved ones.
Our cenotaphs provide a reverent monument for loved ones whose remains are elsewhere but whose life and memories are cherished. Some of our cenotaphs specifically artistically depict first responders and members of our armed services whose remains might not be available to lay to rest at our cemeteries, or even those interred in another cemetery. Indoor cenotaphs, cast in bronze, feature your choice of an outdoor Michigan scene or an inspirational Christian Message along with an inscription. Outdoor cenotaphs are featured around the majestic flagpole in our Memorial Park Boulevard at Glen Eden West.
Garden of Grace
Our Garden of Grace features dramatic garden/cloister ambiance for heartfelt, nature-enhanced connections with loved ones. The intimate, landscaped cul-de-sac features memorial benches that are anchored with granite columbarium.
Our beautiful and unique cremorals are in-ground cremation niches with individual bronze memorial plaques.
Frequently asked questions regarding cremation
What is Cremation?
Cremation involves placing the deceased in a special chamber in a building called a crematorium and incinerating the body at high temperatures for several hours until it is reduced to a fine white powder. These remains are commonly called cremated remains. Because of its simplicity, dignity and affordability, cremation is a common option next to the traditional funeral and burial. The convenience of this option should be considered in relation to the honor that is due to the body of the deceased as it was and will be the temple of God.
How common is Cremation?
Cremation has seen a steady rise in acceptance in the US over the past four decades among people of all backgrounds and faiths. In 1960 cremation accounted for less than 4% of American final arrangements, but today the rate is over 50%.
Do I need a casket if I'm being Cremated?
With cremation, neither a casket nor embalming is generally required. However, you can always choose to be embalmed, and have a casket, full service and viewing hours. Cremation can be performed without a service or done before or after a funeral service. Cremated remains may be buried in a cemetery, or kept in a columbarium, a structure containing niches into which urns are placed.
Why is Cremation becoming more popular?
One factor is our increased mobility. Many retirees who don’t feel a strong attachment to Florida would just as soon reside in an easy-to-ship, easy-to-store urn back in Michigan. While cremation is becoming more and more common, the Biblical practice in both the Old and New Testaments, as well as Jesus’ burial, was to return the body to the earth from which it came in Genesis 2. Earth burial respected God’s creating man in whose body God had placed His very image.
What is a Cenotaph Plaque?
Cenotaph plaques memorialize loved ones whose remains are in a Glen Eden congregational crypt or outside of Glen Eden. Whether your cremated remains rest adjacent to the cenotaph plaque in a congregational crypt or are far away, the cenotaph proves friends and family a place close to home where they can visit to honor your life. Indoor cenotaphs, cast in bronze, feature your choice of an outdoor Michigan scene or an inspirational Christian Message along with an inscription. Outdoor cenotaphs are featured around the majestic flagpole in our Memorial Park Boulevard.
Should I plan my Cremation in advance?
Planning now lets you make choices you’re comfortable with, and protects your family from unnecessary burdens. You also protect your family from future price increases, while conserving their insurance benefits. There are no hidden costs. Your loved ones pay no additional charges at the time of loss or any time thereafter.
Our Cemeteries
Glen Eden Memorial Parks offers three locations serving southeast Michigan

Glen Eden Memorial West

Glen Eden Memorial East

Glen Eden Memorial St. Clair
About Us | Glen Eden West | Glen Eden East | Glen Eden St. Clair | Eden Choice | Pricing | Events | Careers | Contact Us
Cemetery Hours
Monday - Saturday | 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Sundays and Holidays | 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Office Hours
Monday - Friday | 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Saturday 9:00 - 3:00 PM
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